1. Open your mobile phone and open the App Store for iPhones or the Google Play Store for Android devices.

2. Once in the store search for Canvas Parent and install the application on your device

Graphical user interface, application

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3. Now open the Canvas Parent app

4. Click on the ‘Find School’ button

A picture containing logo

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5. In the textbox underneath ‘What’s your school’s name?’ type in stdominics PLEASE NOTE: there is no spaces in the texts if you put a space in it will not find the college. Once you can see the name St. Dominic’s College appear please click on it.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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6. You will now be brought to the college website. Please scroll down until you see the below screen. And then click ‘Canvas Parent’ PLEASE NOTE: you may have to rotate your phone sideways if you cannot see all of the available options in the image below.

Graphical user interface, application

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7. Now please type in your email address and password for Canvas Parent in the below boxes and click the ‘Log In’ button.


8. If you have any issues with your email or your password for Canvas Parent please email ithelpdesk@stdominics.nsw.edu.au and we will be able to confirm your log in information for you