If your touch screen is not currently working please perform the following steps;

1. Update all of the available drivers on your device, how to update drivers - https://stdominicscollege.freshservice.com/support/solutions/articles/11000077787

2. Run all available Windows Updates on your device, how to update Windows - https://stdominicscollege.freshservice.com/support/solutions/articles/11000077669

3. If your devices touch screen is not working after running the previous steps, raise a ticket with IT Helpdesk (ithelpdesk@stdominics.nsw.edu.au). Please have the following information within the ticket;

  • Has your device been dropped recently (if yes please explain how)
  • An image of any error messages or codes that occur on your screen
  • The serial number of your device
  • An image of the serial number of your device