If your device camera isn't working please run the following steps;

1. Check to make sure your privacy slider isn't covering your camera, or on newer devices the camera privacy button is turned off (light is turned off)

2. Update all of the available drivers on your device, how to update drivers - https://stdominicscollege.freshservice.com/support/solutions/articles/11000077787

3. Run all available Windows Updates on your device, how to update Windows - https://stdominicscollege.freshservice.com/support/solutions/articles/11000077669

4. If your devices camera is not working after running the previous steps, raise a ticket with IT Helpdesk (ithelpdesk@stdominics.nsw.edu.au). Please have the following information within the ticket;

  • Has your device been dropped recently (if yes please explain how)
  • An image of any error messages or codes that occur on your screen
  • The serial number of your device
  • An image of the serial number of your device