How To Connect to Vivi


     1. Double click Vivi icon


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     2. Enter St Dominic’s College in the textbox and click the college name below it

        Graphical user interface, application

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     3. Click Log in

       Graphical user interface, website

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     4. Enter Staff ID Number into Username field and Password in the Password field, then click Log In

      Graphical user interface

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     5. Select Block that the classroom you are trying to connect to is in (e.g. A204 = A Block, B204 = B Block etc.)

      Graphical user interface, application

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     6. Click on the classroom you are in from the list that shows on screen

     Graphical user interface, application

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     7. A 4-digit code will appear on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen in the room. Then enter that code into the Room Code field on the Vivi App

     8. Click Present My Screen bubble to connect to the screen in the room

    Graphical user interface

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     9. To disconnect from the screen, click the Stop bubble